on behalf of Metro East Pride of Southwestern Illinois (MEPSI)
MetroEast Pride
MEPSI needs a general idea of how many candles to purchase for the Oct. 11th Candlelight March honoring National Coming Out Day. Please take a moment to click on link and RSVP whether you plan to attend or not. We certainly hope to see everyone OUT next Tuesday evening.

Metro East Pride of Southwestern Illinois is proud to announce it will be holding its second annual National Coming Out Day Candlelight March on Tuesday, October 11th, 2011. Join us as we LIGHT THE NIGHT to remember those in our community who we have lost to suicide and violence—and to express visibility for those in our community who are not yet able.
We will be meeting at 7p.m. at the downtown Belleville Public Library (121 East Washington - Belleville, IL) and march up and over to historic East Main Street, and then west ending at Club Escapade (133 West Main St. - Belleville, IL).
Brief remarks from community leaders will follow the march.
Metro East Pride Block Party.
Metro East Pride Block Party
Saturday, October 22 at 6:00pm